Voice Recorder
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Voice Recorders :
There are two different types of recorders. Ranging in price from $10.00 to $90.00. Here is were we will discuses the types of recorders and some of their  benefits and uses. The two type of recorders I am sure you already know they are "Digital recorder" and the "Analog recorder". Each of which have some benefits and draw backs. We use these recording devices mainly to catch EVP's "Electronic Voice Phenomena", Foot steps, or the sounds of objects beinging moved. 

Digital Recorder:

The digital recorder is a great tool because it is has a very sensitive microphone. That can pick up even the softest of sounds. But this can also be a draw back for the digital recorder too. If you are investigating an area were there is uncontrolled sounds from out side the investigation area. These voices and sounds could filter into the investigation area and be mistaken as EVPS. To control this from happening  I would suggest putting a control recorder out side the investigation area were the most likely noises are going to be made. This way if you find what you think may be an EVP then you can go to the time stamp on the control recorder and see if this sound is originating from outside the investigation area. If not then most likely you have caught a paranormal sound. When investigating an isolated area this is not so much of a concern. Also with digital recorder it is quite easy to down load your audio to your computer for analysis, and cleaning up any EVP's you may have caught.

Analog Recorder:

The analog recorder are usually less expensive. But it is harder to transfer the sound to your computer for analysis and clean up. You must keep new tapes on hand. You never  want to reuse tapes as some of the previous tape may not get erased and may cause what is believed to be an EVP, but in reality is only left over from a previous investigation.

Use of these recording devices:

Both of these recording devices may be used in the same ways. It is up to you and what you think you can afford as a novice ghost hunter. Both can be very effective tools when used properly.
The recorder can be carried around by the investigator While asking questions of the spirits. Always remember when using this technique to allow 5 to  15 seconds between questions as the spirits have to work to make them selves heard unlike the living who sometimes seem to spit things out before even thinking of what we are saying. So allow ample time for a response before moving on to your next question. It is excellent  evidence if you can catch something that actually responds to your questioning rather then just random words or sentences.

The recorder can also be left in an unoccupied room in the hopes of catching. Paranormal sounds such as voices, footsteps, Anything that can not be explained. This is great as we can not be in every place at the same time the recorder dose the work for us.  Some people have even caught the sounds of music playing from some long forgotten party. The recorder is then collected after the investigation and analyzed to see if anything was captured. 

This is all pretty basic and pretty simple once you get down to it. Just remember to verify all your findings as it is your reputation that is on the line. Hope you enjoy.

See Taps Video on Portalbe recorders