to my ghost hunting and paranormal web site. I have always been interested in ghosts and the paranormal. I am a big fan of
the SCIFI Channels series "Ghost Hunters“. One of the reasons I like this show above all the others is that I share the same belief as Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson. That is you go to an investigation to disprove a haunting and at the end of the day if there is evidence that you can not
disprove then and only then do you have evidence of a haunting and or paranormal event.
There are people in this world
that will do any or try anything to get their 15 minutes of fame. So I am a very critical and hard to convince person. But
I want to be convinced I believe there is something out there waiting to be proven. There have been stories since the
beginning of time. The bible itself refers at times to the spirits that walk the earth with us. No mater what religion you
are there will be some type of belief system.
this web site you will find Images, Videos, Links, Discussions, EVP's and in the future hopefully lots more. So
if you see or feel something is missing or something you would like to see added please feel free to contact me with
your suggestions. rsvf@msn.com