Parkers Grove Cemetery
Case# 00001
Contact Name & Address | 1. Phone# | 2. Phone# | Email Address | |
Donna Prescott Parkers Grove Cemetary 6612 30th Av Dr. Shellsburg Ia. 52332 Section 28 Canton Township Benton County Iowa | 319-444-4444 | None | |
Investagators : | ||
Richard | Sheila | |
Jay | ||
Don |
Case Discription : |
This case begins many years ago. The reports on this location range from the large portrat of Thomas Armstrong that cries at night. The other reports/Claims that I have heard over the years are of Strange glowing lights in the trees behind the cemetary To oices being heard. and even that of some people hearing Organ music while they were there. |
Equioment Used : |
Witness Statments : |
1. Mark Harmen |
Reports he was i the cemetery One night to witness the crying eyes. When he started to hear strange noises. and see shadows. He became very nervous and unsettled and left. He has never returned to the cemetery scince. |
2. Jesica Martin |
Said that her and some freinds had ventured out one night looking for some adventure and got more then they bargaind for. Upon entering the cemetery they were all over come with fear. after about 15 mins they were all staartled by what apeared to be a white mist floating aprxemently 3 feet in front of the group. As the group backed away the mist seemed to follow them. this lasted about 2 minutes befroe the strange mist disapated. |
3. Mark and Wendy Munsulle |
Mark and Wend y went to visit the grave of Mark's Mother. They reported hearing footsteps following them everywere. But when they would turn to check there was no one there. |
4. Jenifer Novak |
Jenifer was walking threw the cemetery with freinds at around 11:45 on a Friday night. When they heard a Load blood cuddling Scream. Followed by them seeing a shadow dart in front of them. They all being sceared ran for the gate when some one or somthing Grabed Jenefiers leg. Causing her to fall hard breaking her right arm. Her freinds helped her to the car and took her to the hospital. were she tried to exsplain what had happend |
Location History : |
Thomas G. Armstrong. deceased. was for many years prominently connected with the agricultural interests of this section of the state. and did much towards transforming its wild land into well-cultivated and highly improved farms. In his farming operations he steadily prospered and became an extensive land owner - one whose success was due entirely to his own well-directed efforts.Mr. Armstrong was born in Ireland. March 19. 1829. and there passed the days of his boyhood and youth. In 1850 he emigrated to America and first located in Harrison county. Ohio. Later he spent a short time in Muskingum county. that state. and lived for a year and a half in Coshocton county. Ohio. Prior to 1860 he removed in Poweshiek county. Iowa. where he entered one hundred and sixty acres of government land. which he placed under a high cultivation. making his home there for four years. The following two years were spent in Linn county. and subsequently he was engaged in farming in Benton county. Iowa. for a number of years. He was one of the most extensive farmers in Benton county. His first purchase there was of one hundred and sixty acres in Fremont township. which he improved and to which he added from time to time until he was the owner of two thousand and seven hundred acres. all in that township. and all of which was under cultivation. He was among the first to introduce imported cattle. and whatever he did. on the farm or in business circles. showed the master mind. He was one of the founders of the bank at Atkins. Benton county. and served as its president until his death. He was also active in farming until called to his rest. On the 4th of July 1861. Mr. Armstrong was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Fawcett. a daughter of George and Mary Ann (Haines) Fawcett. natives of Ohio and New Jersey respectively. In 1855 her father came to Cedar Rapids. and after spending a short time in Linn county. located near Shellsburg. Benton county. At that time there were but three families living in his township. and he assisted in its organization. being the one to propose its name. At the first election held there only six or seven votes were polled. Being one of the leading men of his community Mr. Fawcett was called upon to fill nearly all of the township offices. and was a prominent and influential member of the Presbyterian church. ©2005 Transcribed for the IAGenWeb Project. During his residence in this state he met with excellent success and became the owner of seven hundred and sixty acres of valuable land. Both he and his wife are now deceased. In their family were eleven children. seven of whom are still living. Two sons. William H. and John Albert. were in the Union army during the war of the Rebellion. The former participated in the battles of Shiloh and Pittsburg Landing. the siege of Corinth and Vicksburg. the battles of Iuka and Jackson. and the Atlanta campaign. On the 22nd of July. 1864. he was taken prisoner and sent to Andersonville prison. where he was held for four months. and then taken to Florence. South Carolina. suffering all of the privations of southern prison life. John A. was in the one-hundred-day service and died about the time of expiration of his term of service.The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were John C.. an extensive farmer of Benton county; George. deceased; William J.. also a farmer of Benton county; Hettie May. wife of Albert Slotterbeck. of the same county; Newton A.. a farmer of Benton county; Horace T.. deceased; Mary J.. wife of Alfonso Ramelsburg. of Benton county; Louis N.. a resident of Texas; Minnie. wife of C. W. Meek. attorney of Cedar Rapids. Iowa; Fred and Chester A.. who are attending college in Cedar Rapids; and one who died in infancy.Mr. Armstrong continued to actively engage in farming until his death. which occurred on the 12th of July. 1895. By his ballot he always supported the men and measures of the Democracy. and took an active interest in the welfare of his county and state. He was widely and favorably known. and no man in his community was held in higher regard or had more warm friends than Thomas G. Armstrong. His estimable wife still survives him and is also highly respected and esteemed. She continued to reside on the home farm until 1896. when she removed to Cedar Rapids and purchased her present handsome residence at No. 603 Third avenue west. which is supplied with every modern convenience and is a most attractive home. While in Benton county she was a member of the Presbyterian church. of which her husband was a liberal supporter. Since coming to Cedar Rapids she has been a member of the Christian church. the church of her choice. but which was not convenient for her to attend in Benton county. |
EMF | Location | Time | Note : | Investigator |
2.5 | NE Conner Peacock Stone | 10:25 | This reading was on the move and could be followed and traked | Don |
4.5 | Front gate | 11:05 | This reading was there and then gone could not find it again | Sheila |
2.9 | NE By the woods | 12:01 | This reading was followed for 2 minutes before it diapeared | Richard |
Temp | Location | Time | Note : | Investigator |
59.6 | Front gate | 11:05 | Base temp was 71.3 This temp corisponded with a High EMF Reading | Jay |
65.4 | Armstronge Statue | 10:55 | Cold spot lasted about 2 minutes before disapating | Don |
Photo | Location | Time | Note : | Investigator |
1001 | NE Jacobs Stone | 10:22 | Shows a Glowing Orb in the right hand Cornner over the Tombstone | Richard |
1105 | Rear Gate | 12:09 | What apears to be two red eyes pearing out of the trees | Don |
1125 | Peacock tomstone | 10:19 | White mist hovering above the Stone | Sheila |