Where is the best place to look for ghosts?:
Ghost can be found almost anywhere. Bellow we will list some of the most likely places to find hauntings to investigate.
But first lets talk a little. First any place on earth that has seen life has more then likely also seen death at on point
or another. So never rule out any possibilities. That is the mistake of some ghost hunters. First a little history lesson
Prior to let say the 1700's this country was inhabited by native Americans. The native Americans were a very spiritual people.
Their very daily lives were driven by their spiritual beliefs and their belief in the spirit living after the body was gone.
Many of these people suffered sudden and tragic deaths be it by war, Tragic accident, murder, and yes even suicide. They populated
these areas for thousands of years prior to the European mans arrival here. So never rule out an area for a possible haunting.
It may not look as though it has ever been inhabited but chances are that at some point in time it probably was. Strong attachment
to ones home and strong spiritual belief are some times the cause of a spirit to remain in an area. So always try to know
the history of a suspected haunting. There are several ways to gather this information. First and most likely is to go to
the local Library. Look threw old news paper's, Historical documents, and a lot of times you can find a book by a local author
about local legends and folklore for the area in question.
Next talk to the locals many of which may have stories of their
own and know the local legends. The main thing here is never just assume always check out an area before deciding to
investigate or not. So here we go:
Cemeteries seem to be an wonderful place to catch paranormal and ghostly photos.
Many people also claim to have caught great EVP's while walking threw Cemeteries. Some people in life were very attached to
their bodies and seem to have a tough time letting go of them in the next life. Also some people believe that very old cemeteries
may hold portals between this world and that of the dead.
These are places were some one has lost their life
quite suddenly and usually tragically. It is believe that this spirit may have become confused by their sudden lose of life
and remain in the area of there death. As well they may have been murdered and their spirit remains waiting for closer or
justice of some kind.
Many older as well as newer homes may be haunted. These hauntings
range from some one may have committed sluiced in the home. Some one may have been murdered there. The home may have been
built on an old forgotten grave yard. It may be as simple as a husband or wife has died and they remain to look after and
or wait for their beloved spouse. there are many many reasons a residential home of any age may be haunted. So never rule
out any place just because it is not old. Try to find out some history before you make a decision weather or not to investigate
a home.
Unlike in our day and age it is a fact that many of the older churches were
built on spots that in that day were considered evil or even haunted. Many people Exhaust a lot of emotional energy while
in church and that may attract spirits to the location. But you may have a hard time ever getting in to investigate a church.
So if the opportunity arises you better grab it.
Hospitals and nursing homes are places were great physical
and emotional suffering have taken place. Hospitals see pain and death nearly everyday so it is very likely there may be spirits
wandering the halls. And Nursing homes people have suffered long slow deaths and had feelings of abandonment from family and
friends causing much mental anguish. So again it is very likely to have a few spirits wandering. But again good luck getting
in to investigate ethier of these places.
People have passed away in many different locations
and ways. So it is very possible for nearly any place to be haunted. Miners have died tragically in mines. As is evident even
in our news papers today. Car accidents often end in the tragic deaths of people along our roadways. Hunting accidents and
murders have happened in our forests. So again know the history of the area to be investigated.
Well I hope that this article has been of some use to some one, Or even brought a new thought to some one then
it was well worth writing. As always have fun and good luk!!