Parkers Grove Cemetery: AKA= "Crying Eyes Cemetery"
We all love to hear a good ghost story. But with out some facts and maybe a little history. That s all it is
"A Story". For some people that's all they need. For others like myself. I need to know more. So hear is a little story followed
by the facts and a little history that I have dug up.
Out side of Shellsburg Iowa there is a little cemetery called Parkers Grove cemetery. The locals here refer
to this cemetery as Crying Eyes Cemetery. There are two Different stories that I have seen about this.
1. The first Story is there is a Hollow metal Statue/Monument/Tombstone that stands near the center
of this cemetery on which there is a Iron Portrait of a man and on the top of the tombstone is a angle statue. And if
you go out there at night the eyes glow and tears run down The face of the mans Portrait.
2. The second story I have seen on the net is that the angle statue on top cry's tears for two young
girls that have passed on.This Is realy a Story Of the "Shellsburg Cemetery" Not Parkers Grove This is a mistake often made.
Now for a few facts and history that may help bring this story to life. I my self have been out
to see this grave stone. I tell you honestly the portrait of the man dose appear to have water streaks down his
face originating at the eyes. Weather this was done by someone on purpose I do not know. Also when I was much younger, I and
a friend took a VHS recorder out around 11:00 at night and recorded this portrait. And yes the streaks were wet, Was that
because of something super natural I do not know! And I do not know if it was just the way that the eyes caught the light
from the flash light or not but at times the face was Dark but the eyes glowed. I am Working to get this Tape made digital
and when I do it will be posted on my Site.
Now for the brief history. This Gravestone marks the grave of Thomas G. Armstrong. Who after much
searching I found was born in Ireland on March 19 1829. He immigrated to the united states in 1850 He lived in Ohio and, In
1858 he settled in Parkers Grove Benton County Iowa. On July 4th 1861 he married Miss Sarah Fawcett. He was a Farmer With
considerable land, As well he was one of the founders of the Atkins bank. He also served as the President of the Atkins bank
until his death on 12 July 1895 His Obituary said he was preceded in death by three children, Unnamed Baby June 1884 - July
7 1884, Horace Apr 1 1871 - Feb. 28 1872, and George Nov 2 1863 - Feb 12 1880, and he was survived by his wife and seven
other children. The Obituary also relates his death at 68 years of age was Caused By a runaway team of horses. His Obituary
appeared in the Parkers Grove Times on July 18th 1895. And his Biography can be found online By searching . Armstrong,
Thomas G. Ia. This seems to be the only way to find it.
Another interesting Story I learned well researching this was. I found an Story for a Ellen Black
in the cedar valley times were there is a Quote here is the interesting part of this story. This story can be found
in the Obituary Look for Surname: Ellen Black.
Mrs. Black recalls the time when the Muskuaki Indians camped in the woods at Parker's Grove and
an Indian child Died. One of the tribe asked Milo Pratt, "where can we bury papoose?" He was assigned a spot near the corner
of the rail fence enclosing Parkers Grove cemetery. Mr. Pratt prepared a wooden box and the burial took place. The grave never
was marked.
I and a group of three others have received permission to do an investigation here in the next
several weeks. Results of this I will post as soon as we finish going over any evidence we find. So check back in about three
to four weeks fro these results.